Study on Peripheral Development of SAIL-Gua Ore Mines, Jharkhand

Gua Ore Mines is one of the best oldest iron ore mines and also the first mechanized iron ore mines in the country. The Gua Ore Mines was first exploited in the year 1919 and was the property of Bengal Iron & Steel Company. In 1936 the Indian Iron & Steel Co.Ltd, (ISSCO) acquired the ownership of the mines and with IISCO becoming the subsidiary of steel Authority of India Ltd.(SAIL) it came into SAIL family of captive mines. The annual rated captive of the mines is 2.4 million tones and it dispatches around 8 lakh tones of iron ore lump to Burnpur and iron ore fines to Bokaro as per requirement
Being fully aware of SAIL’s Corporate Social Responsibilities, RMD has picked up the gauntlet of providing certain facilities through its several peripheral development schemes to improve the quality of life of the populace living in the villages surrounding the mines. Notable among these are :

•Providing drinking water facilities.
•Construction of roads and culverts.
•Up-liftmen of educational facilities through construction of classrooms, providing furniture, books and teaching aids
• Extending Medical treatment facilities, organising family welfare camps, malaria control programmes, programmes on eye care, dental care and immunization, and AIDS/DOTs awareness programme tc.
• Employment generation activities through various construction and developmental schemes.

Doing a sample study we can able to draw an assumptive picture of the whole area or we can get a brief idea regarding the topic about the study area quite easily. because many times it happens that the sample we are studied are not representing the nature of the whole area, but it is also shown that, in most of the times the study become successful and the data or analysis found from the study and the original picture are more or less same. From the data collection and after that from the analysis of the collected data, we have observed that the overall status of the community profile is simply good in the study area.
